SUCCESS WITHOUT STRESS! Breath & Mindful Meditation
In these modern times of the world, we are all immersed in numerous activities everyday, like taking care of family, working with tough deadlines etc, during this process we might have experienced some or all of the following:

  • 1. Negative emotions like anger, fear, insecurity etc.
  • 2. Low energy and enthusiasm.
  • 3. Lack of focus and concentration on the task we are doing.
  • 4. Inability to handle stress and stressful situations.
  • 5. Lack of sleep and rest.

Meditation and breathing techniques are effective tools to bring out our best in us and enhance the overall quality of life. You are invited to the 1hr workshop to explore the benefits of breath & meditation, the process of calming the mind, understanding it's nature.

This session will introduce you to the Happiness program that teaches people how to use breath as a tool to sustaining happiness.
17 February 2018 - Saturday 4PM
Village Square Library, Study room 2
4001 Evergreen Village Square,
San Jose, California
United States


Phone :
408 387 2450