Who eats Quin Bite ?
How do we make Quin Bite?
QUIN BITE contains only organically produced ingredients! Bars contain no added sugars, no artificial sweeteners, no preservatives. Just pure, gluten free and vegan friendly super ingredients. Enjoy QUIN BITE in six delicious flavors.

QUIN BITE is created by Meditators and Yoga practitioners. When we are in balance with ourselves and with nature, our actions become pure and ideas that are in power to change the world for the better arise in us. This is how QUIN BITE was born.

When you taste QUIN BITE it’s like tasting pure happiness in the form of food.

QUIN BITE – A bite of Happiness
Main Ingredients
No added sweeteners & preservatives, gluten & soy free, vegan & raw, 100 % organic
"Let the food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates

"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent diseases with nutrition" - Thomas Edison
QUIN BITE comes in 6 delicious flavours
Choco Mint
Coco Choco